Thursday, 24 December 2015

Christmas morning 2015

Christmas morning 2015

Christmas morning 2015 by kenzi-alex featuring maybelline makeup

Hello everybody!
Sorry for my loafting on posting this month. I've been very busy!! I also managed to completely break my phone- which is how I take photo's for my blog. So i've had some draft posts that are ready to go up once I can take photo's of the products! Well, Ad christmas is TOMORROW (!!) I decided to create a little inspiration board for tomorrow morning. Christmas is a great excuse to stay in your pajama's all day and that's why I think wearing your cutest set to bed is KEY. That way when you're immortalized in family photo's you can avoid the "I just rolled out of bed and i'm only wearing underwear/haven't brushed my hair in a week" look that's all too memorable from your childhood christmas albums. (Wait, was that only me??) If you're an adult and you can take the extra 5 minutes before coming down in the morning, maybe conceal the dark circles (because let's face it, who can sleep before christmas). Add some cute tinted lip balm, it's super natural but also moisturizes and adds a little bit of a 'flushed' look that's very "I just rolled out of bed but I look so gooooood and you have no proof this isn't natural, Ha!" I personally LOVE the fresh Sugar lip balms. They're actually my favourite lip balms at the moment and they come in a variety of tinted colours, as well as clear if you're not feeling any colour vibes. (Also, Sidenote: they're selling a red cased Fresh Sugar lip balm that's clear that's says "Suga(RED)" and the proceeds go to help aids!!- sold at Sephora.)
Beyond that, throw your hair up in a messy ponytail or bun add a comfortable sweater and long socks if it's cold where you live. Normally at this time of year it's FREEZING in Toronto, but it's super warm with zero snow, so socks are optional this year! Anyways MERRY CHRISTMAS!  And If I don't talk to you guys this before the new year-- Happy New Year!!  I hope everyone has had a lovely 2015 with big strides towards goals/self improvement and that they will continue on into 2016 with tenacity and the inspiration to do well!

Until next time,